Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Imperial Guard fever

With all the hype on the new IG codex, I'm somewhat caught in the bug and ready to build a new IG army soon! I've made some purchase on some IG models but will now wait for the new codex before I begin mass assembly, just to be sure I get what I need in the army organization.
In the meantime, I'll just write some fluffs, develop some concepts and perhaps test paint a guardsmen or two.

A new blog has been prepared for this new army and I can't wait to fill it up soon with more modelling and painting projects!

Stay tune!

Monday, March 30, 2009

Allegria, Cirque du Soleil

It's really weeks of harlequins for me!

Just as I've finished painting my harlequins, Alegria of cirque du soleil is in town, as if to reward me for finishing the paint-job. Well not exactly to my town in Abu Dhabi but in Dubai, which is only an hour of driving. I've enjoyed the other troupe in Singapore, Quidam and can't wait to see what's in store here, which I'm sure its more than a bunch of guys/girls in tights!

Bell of Lost Souls

I've just registered to be in one of the blogrolls for Bell of Lost Souls' Alliance. Just in case you haven't heard its one of the most comprehensive and informative blog out there on anything to do with miniature wargaming. Once it is accepted, its gonna be more blogging with WH40 and anything got to do with painting and miniature wargaming!

Friday, March 27, 2009

Harlequins Completed

On my painting table, there's a tray of completed assembled miniatures, which I've sort of made a rule, that I should try to finish painting all of those miniatures before I begin to assemble anything else. That way, I'll think twice before assembling the next exciting model that comes along and neglect some of the models I've already assembled/based.
Of course, rules are meant to be broken...
These harlequins have been on my tray for a good few months now, being put on hold, partly because other exciting models like tau mech got my attention and partly because i was nervous to make an attempt on them, as the quality of deliverables on these guys are relatively of a higher standard.
Well, as seen here, eventually I put my foot down and got it painted, and painfully slow it was! Really, its all in the mind and when you put the effort into it and after the first model was done, the rest comes rather naturally.
It's gonna be exciting now that I have a completed harlequin squad to play and its equally exciting to see that my tray is empty again! More models on the way!
Thanks for viewing and comments are welcomed!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Painting Harlequins

Well, now that I’m on it, may as well put up an article on methods I’m using to paint these guys. Note that there are many different colors and methods to paint these wonderfully sculpted minis, as this is just one way to do it. I’m going for the GW scheme here, but feel free to improvise and have your own palette of colors of your choice. Other wonderful example of works can be found in cool or not mini sites such as this:


(take deep breath) Now for the rest of us mortals, we can have a rather satisfactory well painted harle with few simple methods and once broken down, they don’t seem that complicated at all. I always have the mindset of setting a certain minimal goal or standard in mind which I will try to achieve and if it turns out well, they I will further endeavor to see if I can bring it to another level.

So, relax, have your favorite warm drink ready, your tools and paint at hand, and let’s get started.

Picture 1: Undercoat and Basing
It’s always good practice to have a proper basing and undercoat done on the mini first. Here I choose chaos black as undercoat, as some of the finishing layers are black and speeds up the process too. There a lot of fine niches and groves on the minis, so take your time to make sure the model is well coated. Even at the highlighting stage I realized I missed out some parts at hidden corners.

Picture 2: Base colors
Map out the base colors of the models. Apply them in thin layers over the respective areas. Here is seen there 2 kind of surface, the matte colors and the metallic ones. For the normal colors, layering shall be used later for highlights and washes are used on the metallic later to bring out the shine.

As the undercoat is black, any mistakes and blotches are easily remedied so, don’t be afraid to use some speed to cover it thoroughly.

Make sure the coats are even and well distributed. Always remember to use thin layers to avoid brush marks and have a smooth finish. It’ll be easier for the highlights later

Parts to take note: Checker-box uniform
Here I’m using red gore and enchanted blue for the checker box uniform. There’s 2 examples here, which is red gore based and enchanted blue based.

Parts to take note: Harlequin masks
The bone white finish masks or harlequin can be done in 2 menthods. One is show with a base of blue color and the other is white based. The enchanted blue base will have thin layer of white color over it while showing the blue as shadow and highlights. The white base will have washes over it to bring out the shape later on. Both methods can be done with similar and good results. Personally I find that the white base method is easier and faster, and lots more control on the tones.

Picture 3: Base Pattern
Here the focus is on the checker box uniform. I’ve freehand the pattern on the uniform by just drawing on it with the opposite color. Of course my first try has always been a disaster but with practice, I did manage to get them right. Again, don’t worry about mistakes, as long as we keep the paint thin, it can be easily corrected.

So once the areas are well covered with the patterns, we can move on to the highlights.

Parts to take note: Harlequin masks
Notice to bone white which as been applied on the blue based mask harle, this is done over several thin layers to control the distribution and leave out certain areas to be blue.

Picture 4: Highlights
Here’s my favorite part. First of all, determine where the ‘source of light’ for the pattern areas. This will dictate which area to be bright and which area to be dark as shown in the diagram.

For the red areas, the color used are as follows:
Blazing Orange – Highlights
Blood Red – Mid tones
Red Gore – Dark tones

For the Blue areas, the color used are as follows:
50/50 Bone White and Enchanted Blue – Highlights
Enchanted Blue – Mid tones
Regal Blue – Dark tones

I’ve notice that the GW site also mentioned of having the lines drawn up in black first as a guide for drawing the patterns. That is also a good technique to keep consistency, but I personally prefers to have the highlights to emphasis on the ‘emboss’ part of the texture rather than using lines.

On the white base mask Harle, here I’ve added washes mixed from bleached bone and blood red (with lots of water) and let it into the recess of the mask, bring out the white tone and has a warmer feel compared to the blue based mask harle which has a cold look.

Next, I’ll add more pics on the highlight of areas like the belt, gems, and other parts of the model. Stay tune!

Monday, March 16, 2009

Harlequin Work In Progess

Harlequin Work In Progress

Here’s one of my fist Harlequin in progress. The details are intricate and I’m really taking my time on this one!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Monday, March 2, 2009

Assault Marine

And the works on my ultramarines resumed! Here's a link to my first painted marine


Tau Commander

My recently completed Tau Commander, link to pictures, thanks for viewing
